“TBD(no16th ADAC Symposium and Workshop, March 21 & 23-25, 2025
Host: CSCS / ETH Zürich
ADAC16 Symposium
Location: Zürich, Switzerland
ADAC15 Symposium Date: March 21, 2025
The ADAC16 Symposium will have as central theme:
Towards Comprehensive Computational and Workflow Environments for Specific Applications and User Communities
Venue: ETH Hönggerberg Campus, Zürich, Switzerland
Attendance to the ADAC16 Symposium is open, but registration is required to attend the ADAC16 symposium.
ADAC16 Workshop and Tour of CSCS
Location: Lugano, Switzerland
ADAC16 Workshop Dates: March 23-25, 2025
Venue: LAC Lugano Arte e Cultura, Lugano, Switzerland
Attendance to the ADAC16 Workshop is open strictly for ADAC organizations only. Registration is required.
Friday, March 21, 2025, 2025, 8:30-18:30, ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg Campus
08:30 |
Registration & Check-in |
Raluca Hodoroaba |
09:00 |
Welcome & Opening |
Thomas Schulthess, CSCS Tjerk Straatsma, ORNL |
09:05 |
Keynote Presentation |
Thomas Schulthess, CSCS |
10:05 |
Break |
10:30 |
“Podman-HPC for sustainable and performant research software” |
Wahab Kawafi, Univ Bristol |
11:00 |
“Molecular Simulation in the AI ERA: New Algorithms, Libraries, Execution Models, and Challenges” |
Mathieu Taillefumier, CSCS Ada Sedova, ORNL |
11:30 |
“Semi-Automated Adaptive Sampling Simulations Protocol using Integrated Computing Environment (ICE)” |
Vinod Jani, C-DAC |
12:00 |
Lunch Break |
13:00 |
“Leonardo and CINECA’s Engagement with Scientific Communities” |
Sanzio Bassini, CINECA |
14:00 |
“Design and Operation of the TSUBAME4 Supercomputer for a Broader User Base” |
Akihiro Nomura, Inst. Science Tokyo |
14:30 |
“Programming complex workflows for the Computing Continuum” |
Daniele Lezzi, BSC |
15:00 |
“System Architecture for Future AI/HPC Applications” |
Christoph Hagleitner, IBM |
15:30 |
Break |
16:00 |
“Weathering Storms and Extremes on ALPS: Toward a Platform for Extreme-Scale Computing in Climate and Weather” |
Nicolas Gruber, ETH |
17:00 |
“TerrSysMP” |
Daniel Caviedes Voullieme, FZJ |
17:30 |
“Community Building in HPC” |
Rebecca Hartman-Baker, LBNL |
18:00 |
“Energy Efficient Computing Through Floating-Point Emulation” |
Benedikt Dorschner, NVIDIA |
18:30 |
Adjourn |
Saturday, March 22, 2025, 14:30-18:30, CSCS Building, Lugano
Governance Board Meeting |
14:30 |
Governance Board Meeting Governance Board Members Only |
CSCS, Meeting Room, Ground Floor |
18:30 |
Governance Board Meeting Adjourn |
ADAC16 Reception |
19:30 |
Governance Board Dinner (no-host) Governance Board Members Only |
Ristorante Olimpia Piazza Riforma 1, Lugano |
Sunday, March 23, 2025, 16:45-21:00, Bellinzona Castle, Lugano
ADAC16 Reception |
16:45 |
ADAC16 Workshop Networking Reception All Participants & Guests From the Lugano train station we suggest to take the 16:30 train to Bellinzona using your Ticino ticket. The tour of Bellinzona will start at 16:46 from the Bellinzona train station. |
Bellinzona Castle |
08:15 |
Assemble at LAC to take city bus to CSCS |
08:33 |
Bus No 4 departs from LAC |
09:00 |
Tour of CSCS Facility |
Thomas Schulthess, ETH/CSCS |
10:21 |
Bus No 4 departs CSCS for LAC |
Workshop Commencement in Sala 1 |
11:00 |
Welcome & Opening Remarks from the Executive Committee and Governance Board |
Thomas Schulthess, ETH/CSCSL Tjerk Straatsma, ORNL Rio Yokota, Inst. ScienceTokyo |
ADAC Working Group Reports |
11:10 |
Applications & Benchmarks |
Rio Yokota, Inst. Sci. Tokyo |
11:20 |
Federated Learning & AI |
Jason Haga, AIST |
11:30 |
Portability, Sustainability & Integration |
Deepika H V, C-DAC |
11:40 |
System Management |
Matt Ezell, ORNL |
11:50 |
Quantum Computing |
Mikael Johansson, CSC |
12:00 |
Training, Outreach & Workforce Development |
Kengo Nakajima, Univ. Tokyo |
12:10 |
Group Photograph |
12:20 |
Working Lunch |
ADAC Working Group Breakout Sessions |
13:00 |
Applications & Benchmarks |
Sala 4 |
Federated Learning & AI |
Sala Refettorio |
Portability, Sustainability & Integration |
Sala 3 |
System Management |
Sala 2 |
Quantum Computing |
Sala Capitolare |
Training, Outreach & Workforce Development |
Sala 1 |
15:00 |
Break |
Sala 1 |
15:30 |
Applications & Benchmarks |
Sala 4 |
Federated Learning & AI |
Sala Refettorio |
Portability, Sustainability & Integration |
Sala 3 |
System Management |
Sala 2 |
Quantum Computing |
Sala Capitolare |
Training, Outreach & Workforce Development |
Sala 1 |
17:00 |
Adjourn Day 1 |
Sala 1 |
ADAC16 Workshop Dinner |
19:00 |
ADAC16 Workshop Dinner, Participants & Guests |
Group 1: Grand Cafè al Porto Group 2: Ristorante Olimpia |
09:00 |
Welcome & Opening in the Entrance Hall |
Thomas Schulthess, CSCS Tjerk Straatsma, ORNL |
ADAC Working Group Breakout Sessions |
09:10 |
Applications & Benchmarks |
Sala 4 |
Federated Learning & AI |
Sala Refettorio |
Portability, Sustainability & Integration |
Sala 3 |
System Management |
Sala 2 |
Quantum Computing |
Sala Capitolare |
Training, Outreach & Workforce Development |
Sala 1 |
10:30 |
Break |
Sala 1 |
11:00 |
Applications & Benchmarks |
Sala 4 |
Federated Learning & AI |
Sala Refettorio |
Portability, Sustainability & Integration |
Sala 3 |
System Management |
Sala 2 |
Quantum Computing |
Sala Capitolare |
Training, Outreach & Workforce Development |
Sala 1 |
12:00 |
Working Lunch |
ADAC Working Group Reports |
13:00 |
Applications & Benchmarks |
Rio Yokota, Inst. Sci. Tokyo |
13:20 |
Federated Learning & AI |
Jason Haga, AIST |
13:40 |
Portability, Sustainability & Integration |
Deepika H V, C-DAC |
14:00 |
System Management |
Matt Ezell, ORNL |
14:20 |
Quantum Computing |
Mikael Johansson, CSC |
14:40 |
Training, Outreach & Workforce Development |
Kengo Nakajima, Univ. Tokyo |
15:00 |
Break |
Sala 1 |
15:30 |
Plenary Discussion |
15:50 |
Remarks and Charge from Governance Board |
16:00 |
Announcing ADAC17 |
Pekka Manninen, CSC |
16:10 |
Closing Remarks |
Thomas Schulthess, CSCS Tjerk Straatsma, ORNL |
16:30 |
Adjourn |
We acknowledge the generous sponsor support from IBM, NVIDIA, and DALCO.