
ADAC Governance



The Accelerated Data Analytics and Computing (ADAC) Institute has been established to explore potential future collaboration among member organizations managing HPC centers that run large, GPU-accelerated supercomputers and provide key HPC capabilities to academia, government, and industry to solve many of the world’s most complex and pressing scientific problems. Consistent with their respective missions, the participating organizations seek to collaborate and leverage their respective investments in application software readiness to expand the breadth of applications capable of running on accelerated supercomputer architectures.

Memorandum of Understanding

The understandings and intentions of the participating organizations regarding shared and complementary goals and the list of participating institutions are detailed in a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). Any revisions of the MoU require approval by each participating organization and/or their sponsoring agency.


There are three types of ADAC organizations, as follows:

  1. Founding Member organizations UT-Battelle LLC, ETH Zurich, and Tokyo Institute of Technology, each having two seats on the Governance Board
  2. Regular Member organizations each having one seat on the Governance Board
  3. Affiliate organizations without representation on the Governance Board

Governance Board

The founding member organizations serve in a coordinating role, assisted by a Governance Board consisting of designated Points of Contact for the Founding and Regular Member organizations. Responsibilities of the Governance Board include:

  1. Determine the number of and charge the working groups to address specific technical scope.
  2. Review the working groups activities.
  3. Review requests to join ADAC and decide on Member or Affiliate Member status.
  4. Draft MoU revisions and initiate the required approval process.
  5. Decide on dates and locations of ADAC workshops.

All decisions by the Governance Board are made by simple majority, except for the decision to add new Regular Members to ADAC which requires a super-majority vote of 75% and approval of a revised MoU by each participating ADAC organization and/or their sponsoring agency.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee with representatives from the Founding Member institutions is responsible for the organization of Governance Board meetings and the face-to-face meetings in the form of workshops and symposia. Responsibilities of the Executive Committee include:

  1. Organize Governance Board meetings.
    1. Create and disseminate agenda.
    2. Setup meetings, virtual or face-to-face.
  2. Organize semi-annual workshops and symposia together with hosting institutions:
    1. Create and publish an agenda for the workshop and symposium.
    2. Identify and invite symposium speakers.
    3. Extend invitations to ADAC workshop participants from Member organizations on behalf of the Governance Board.
    4. Issue open call for participation in ADAC symposia.
    5. Host a registration web page and set and collect registration fees.
    6. Assist hosting organization with workshop logistics.

Working Groups

Technical work is carried out in working groups with for each participating organization one person identified as local lead for the working group. All Member organizations are expected to actively participate in at least one working group. Responsibilities of working groups include:

  1. Set work-period goals consistent with the charge by the Governance Board.
  2. Organize monthly working group meetings.
  3. Report on current activities and new plans at the semi-annual workshops.

Workshops and Symposia

Semi-annual by-invitation-only workshops with optional open symposium will be hosted by a member organization, rotating between the United States, Europe, and Asia/Australia. Unless prevented by external factors, ADAC workshops will be face-to-face.

  • ADAC Symposia are one or two-day plenary meeting with an open registration and an agenda consisting of invited presentations on topics of interest to the ADAC community.
  • ADAC Workshops are two-day meetings to discuss work in the ADAC working groups. Attendance is limited to ADAC member and affiliate organizations, and strictly by invitation only.

New Member Organizations

Affiliate Organizations

Organizations wishing to join the ADAC Institute as Affiliate Organization need to provide a one-page description of

  1. Why the organization wishes to join ADAC.
  2. How the organization will contribute to the purpose of ADAC.
  3. Who will be the main point of contact.
  4. Who will serve as a technical point of contact for the working groups.

The decision to be included as an Affiliate Organization in the ADAC Institute is made by the Governance Board by majority vote.

Regular Members

Affiliate Organizations can join ADAC as Regular Member organization only upon formal invitation extended by the Governance Board after a 75% supportive vote, and after approval by each participating ADAC organization and/or their sponsoring agency of the required revised MoU.